Josiah & Isabella, affectionately known as JoJo-Bear & Bella-Bean.

Josiah and Isabella, affectionately known as JoJo-Bear and Bella-Bean.

Josiah like Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. He calls them “PB and J, Jelly” sandwiches.
He also likes Raisins, Oatmeal, Hot Wheels Cars (and any car actually), Dinosaurs and playing on his iPad

Isabella likes Rice, Pancakes, and lots of snacks.
She also likes tea parties, playing with dolls as well as her brother’s toys.

Josiah and Isabella don’t like many vegetables, being punished and being sick. But then, who does???
  • Ages: 6 & 4
  • Fav Toy: Dinosaurs & Doll Babies
  • Fav Food: Mini Corn Dogs